We love to swim, bike, run and get social


July 12th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Wednesday July 13th
Track Speed-work: Cancelled
We are cancelling this workout due to the weather forecast. We do like to claim that we train in all weather – but there is also member safety that we need to think of. The temperatures are supposed to be super hot with very high humidity, which is not a great combination for high intensity training.

Thursday July 14th
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-8pm in Professor’s Lake
With the warm temperatures we are expecting a record turnout of swimmers looking to dip their toes, legs, torsos, arms and heads into the refreshing water at Professor’s Lake. If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete payment.

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
We might not see any record paces this week, but the temperature should be cool enough by 8pm for a loop around the lake.

Sunday July 17th
Open-Water Swim: 8-9:30am in Professor’s Lake
The swim loop is about 750m – and we are continuing with our 90 min swim times through June. How many loops will you complete this week? If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete payment.

Post-Swim Run: 9:40-10:15am around Professor’s Lake
The run loop is about 3km long – who will be sticking around after the swim to join us for a loop or two?

July 24th – Simulation Day!

Swim + Bike + Run = FUN
Our second Simulation Day event of the summer is approaching fast – will you be attending? Please let us know by completing the FMCT Sim Day Survey.

The day will start with the opening of the transition area at 7:30am, followed by the lake swim at 8am. We have the lake booked until 9:30am and you can swim as long or short as you want within that time. After you are done with your swim, make your way over to the transition area to do your bike and/or run.

There is a $5 cost for members ($8 for non-members) to participate in the Simulation Day event. (You can pay at the event, or pre-pay online on the FMCT site.) If you are paying for your swim by drop-in you will still need to pay for that drop-in session.

The benefits? A supervised transition area (your stuff won’t grow legs and walk off), and there will be drinks provided (water & gatorade) as well as snacks once you are done.


We don’t have a pretty image for this week (or exact numbers) but we can let you know that your hard efforts are being noticed. We logged over 2050 km again this week.

Here are just a few snippets of the Bike rides our members have been completing:
Skye B has been logging some great rides out on her new bike – soon she will be a master of the road!
Matt P has been throwing in some serious distance – no wonder he is always going out alone 😛
Irina S challenged herself with the bike leg of the Muskoka 70.3 and set a few PRs for herself;
Paul B took his daughter out for a fun cool-down ride; and,
Carey M has been logging some interesting workouts on TrainerRoad while the rest of us are starting to think about bed

July 5th Newsletter

Message from your Executive

Congratulations to all of our members new to multi-sport who have challenged themselves and completed races this month. Well done!


Wednesday July 6th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
This is one of those times where running in circles is a good thing! Come join us as we work on our fitness and speed. Don’t forget your hydration and layers.

Thursday July 7th
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-8pm in Professor’s Lake
The swim-loop is about 750m – and with 90 minutes to swim, how many loops will you complete? If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to settle up.

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
The run-loop is about 3km – who will be joining us this week? No pace is too fast or too slow.


Club Announcements

Lake Swim Reminders
All swimmers (new or veteran) MUST sign-in before their swim and sign-out after their swim. Wetsuits are not required (however we strongly recommend them for newer swimmers) but swim-caps are mandatory. We also need all swimmers to keep to the marked course.

If you are a first-time swimmer this season we need you to arrive before the swim so we can ensure that all of the paperwork is completed for our insurance.

6e443603-9e0e-495f-b9df-1a96a4303bc2Strava Update
Well done everyone! You knocked it out of the park again this week with over 2100km in training and racing.

Multi-sport Belwood Tri
The Belwood Triathlon is this weekend – and they are looking for volunteers. If you are interested you can find more details on their site – MSC Belwood Volunteers

Simulation Day

Sunday July 24th
Our July simulation day event starts with the transition area set-up at 7:30am, followed by the lake swim at 8am and then bike-ride and run. If you aren’t into swimming – feel free to join for a run first then bike-ride and more running. We have a survey set up for you to let us know if you are going to be joining us, and what course length you will be training. FMCT – July Simulation Day Survey

Please complete at your earliest convenience. 🙂

Upcoming Events

Wednesdays – Track Speedwork
Thursdays – Lake Swim + Run
Some Saturdays – Group Ride
Some Sundays – Lake Swim + Run

24th – Simulation Day Event

Wednesdays – Track Speedwork
Thursdays – Lake Swim + Run
Some Saturdays – Group Ride
Some Sundays – Lake Swim + Run

Race Results

Woodstock Sprint Triathlon
Ryan Baldwin (3rd AG): 1:20:29

Woodstock Sprint Duathlon
Larry Bradley (1st Overall): 1:02:2527848653871_1849bc1c3a_k

Guelph Lake Olympic Triathlon
Paul Blaik: 2:32:50

Guelph Lake Sprint Triathlon
Samantha Coimbra: 1:51:24

Welland Try-a-Tri (Swim/Bike)
Skye Bowen: 0:34:53 (1st Overall)
Cesar Centeno: 0:47:01 (3rd AG)

Welland Sprint Duathlon
Larry Bradley (2nd Overall): 0:59:38

Welland Sprint Triathlon
Zindine Souiki (2nd AG): 1:05:59
Ryan Baldwin: 1:10:42
Corwin Ang: 1:26:48
Irina Souiki: 1:27:21
Barb Kishimoto (1st AG): 1:29:21

Welland Long-Course Triathlon
Zindine Souiki: 3:22:38
Mellen Gorman (2nd AG): 3:43:13

Did you finish a race and don’t see your name here? We probably did not know you were racing. Please let us know about all of your upcoming race and we can cheer you on and then celebrate your success by sharing your results


June 28th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Wednesday June 29th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
Ready. Set. Go! Come on out for a fun and fabulous speed workout on the track. No coach this week, but workouts are provided. Don’t forget your hydration and layers.

Thursday June 30th
Open Water Swim: 6:30-8pm @ Professor’s Lake
This week we jump up to a 90 minute swim – time to challenge yourself and add a loop! If you are paying by drop-in, please try to arrive early to sign in and then stick around after the swim to complete your paperwork.
Thanks to everyone for remembering to sign in and sign out for each swim. Safety first!

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
The running loop around the lake is 3 – 3.2km long (depending on where you start). Come and join us – no pace is too fast or too slow.

Sunday July 3rd
Open Water Swim: 8-9:30am @ Professor’s Lake
This week we jump up to a 90 minute swim – time to challenge yourself and add a loop! If you are paying by drop-in, please try to arrive early to sign in and then stick around after the swim to complete your paperwork.
Don’t forget to sign in and sign out – no swimmers left behind. 🙂

Post-Swim Run: 9:40-10:15am around Professor’s Lake
Come and join us for a loop or two – no pace is too fast or too slow.

unnamed (2)FMCT on Strava

Another awesome week on Strava – we completed over 100 hours of training/racing. What great work everyone!




Simulation Day #211145037_10153436862506955_342516967295355226_n

Sunday July 24th
We will be holding another simulation day in July – this time using the lake for our swim, the park area beside the lake for our transition zone, and then biking and running from transition. The swim starts at 8am and will run to 9:30 – with the transition zone opening before 8am so you can set up your stuff before the swim.

So mark your calendars, purchase your ‘ticket’ online, and come out for a for a great training experience.

June 21st Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Wednesday June 22nd
Track Speed-Work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
We return to the track this week for more fun and challenging speed workouts. Don’t forget your hydration and your layers (it can get cool and windy during the post-workout stretching).

Thursday June 23rd
Open Water Swim: 7-8pm @ Professor’s Lake
The sun has been shining and the temperatures rising, this should mean some warmer lake temperatures for us to enjoy. If you are paying by drop-in, please arrive before 7pm to complete your paperwork.
Don’t forget to sign in before you enter the water and to sign out after you exit. This is a required part of participating in this training as it ensures we don’t leave a swimmer out in the water.13435316_10154148115716955_392328907963827472_n

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
The standard loop around the lake is 3km, Come join us – no pace is too fast or too slow. (I believe there might even be a Strava segment on the run loop should you wish to look it up and challenge yourself.)

Sunday June 26th
Open Water Swim: 8:15-9:30am @ Professor’s Lake
The sun has been shining and the temperatures rising, this should mean some warmer lake temperatures for us to enjoy. If you are paying by drop-in, please arrive before 7pm to complete your paperwork.
Don’t forget to sign in before you enter the water and to sign out after you exit. This is a required part of participating in this training as it ensures we don’t leave a swimmer out in the water.

Post-Swim Run: 9:40-10:10am around Professor’s Lake
The standard loop around the lake is 3km, Come join us – no pace is too fast or too slow.


unnamed (1)We’re on Strava

And we are tearing it up! This past week we completed over 2000 km of training. Wow!




Workout Opportunity

Fuzion – Sat June 25th, 2-3pm
If you aren’t planning on heading over to Welland for a Tri or Du, consider trying out this local workout and support the OneVoiceOneTeam organization. More details can be found on Facebook.


June 14th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Tuesday June 14th
Speed Track Workout <CANCELLED TODAY>
Our track workouts have moved back to Wednesdays due to a scheduling conflict with the track. Unfortunately we will be cancelling th13445410_10154137554496955_8367759374491029783_ne workout for this week, but we will be back next week (Wednesday June 22nd). If you are interested in a speed workout to do on your own, send us an email.

Thursday June 16th
Open Water Swim: 7-8pm @ Professor’s Lake
Despite the slightly cooler (and windier) weather we have had great turnouts for our swims. It is great to see club members supporting each other with the challenge of transitioning from pool swimming to lake swimming.
Please remember to sign in and sign out for each swim. This is a safety precaution – we need to know that all swimmers have completed their swim.
If you have not purchased a 10-pass or season-pass please arrive by 6:55pm as we cannot accommodate drop-ins after the swim has started.

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
The standard loop to run around the lake is 3km. Come join us, no pace is too fast or too slow.


We don’t have any led workouts to promote at this time, but check the Facebook group to see if anyone decides later this week to lead one.

FMCT on Strava

We saw some pretty long workouts from club members this past week – helping us log over 1500km on Strava! Keep up the good work everyone.








If you log your workouts on Strava, don’t forget to join the FMCT club. You don’t have to log your workouts twice or anything crazy like that – just join the club and whatever you log gets included in our weekly tally.

June 7th Newsletter

Message from your ExecutiveIMG_20160424_063952

June means something special for our club … the start of our very popular Open Water Swim training at Professor’s Lake. Our triangle course is marked with buoys, with lifeguards on shore and at each leg of the course making sure everyone is safe. We are starting off this summer season with a bang – our first week will be a swim on Thursday AND Sunday!


Tuesday June 7th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
Join us for a fun and challenging workout on the track. It might not be 29 degrees right now, but you will still get thirsty. Don’t forget your hydration AND your layers to keep warm.

Thursday June 9th
Open Water Swim: 7-8pm @ Professor’s Lake
This is our FIRST open water swim of the season! Please arrive early to get into your swim gear so you can jump in the lake at 7 sharp.
(If you have not purchased a 10-pass or season-pass, please arrive no later than 6:55pm as we cannot accommodate drop-ins after the swim has started.)

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
Many members will run a loop (or two) around the lake after the swim. No pace is too fast or too slow.

Sunday June 12th
Open Water Swim: 8:30-9:30am @ Professor’s Lake
Please arrive early so you have enough time to get into your swim gear. Last one in is a rotten egg. 🙂

Post-Swim Run: 9:40-10:15am around Professor’s Lake
Finish off your morning workout with a 3km loop (or two) around the Lake. No pace is too fast or too slow.


FMCT on Strava
Holy crow, look at us go!
Last week we had a team of people ‘padding’ our stats with some impressive training up in Muskoka. But even without a weekend dedicated to cycling, running and swimming, we completed 1133.3km of training last week.

We would like to give special ‘kudo’s’ to the following people who completed some impressive training (and logged it to Strava):
Paul B – who braved the open water to swim over a km in Lake Simcoe
Zindine S – who took advantage of our Sim Day event to cycle 114km and then run 26km (yikes! sounds painful)
Mellen G – who showed us that you don’t need to wait for the weekend to go for a ride by cycling 85km on a Wednesday morning
Barb K – who logged many unique workouts on her trip out west, but we specifically want to give kudo’s for climbing over 2800 steps fo complete the Grouse Grind

If you use a device to track your workouts, check out Strava and join the club. Not to try to bribe you – but you will likely get some personal kudo’s from other club members after a workout.

Final Call – Clothing orders

If you are interested in purchasing an article of clothing from our online shop – please place your order by end of day Wednesday. We will be submitting our order to Champion Systems by the end of the week.

Upcoming Events

Tuesdays – Track Speedwork
Thursdays – Open Water Swim + Run
Weekends – Runs and Rides
Some Sundays – Open Water Swim + Run
Tuesdays – Track Speedwork
Thursdays – Open Water Swim + Run
Weekends – Runs and Rides
Some Sundays – Open Water Swim + Run

Sunday July 24th – Simulation Day (Lake Swim + Ride + Run)

Race Results

May 1st – Mississauga Half Marathon
Amanda Charlton: 1:39:27.2
Mellen Gorman: 1:45:06.3
Cary Poole: 1:59:02.3
Rashi Pander: 2:03:21.1
Kathleen Blaik: 2:19:24.3
Paul Blaik: 2:19:24.3 (pacing)
Jay Chahal: 2:21:43.5

May 29th – MEC Toronto 5k
Rebecca Murrant: 26:35.8 (pacing)

May 30th – Vitality London 10000
Doug Foster: 1:01:06.0

Did you finish a race and don’t see your name here? We probably did not know you were racing. Please let us know about all of your upcoming race and we can cheer you on and then celebrate your success by sharing your results


May 31st Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Tuesday May 31st
Pool Swim: 9-10pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
This is our last Tuesday pool swim of the season – come out and enjoy some special activities (simulated open water swimming anyone?) Please plan to arrive early so you are ready to jump in the pool at 9pm.

Wednesday June 1st
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
The heat is supposed to drop a bit, but we are still expecting some warm temperatures. Make sure you bring your hydration and come on out to run in circles with us!

Sunday June 5th
Pool Swim: 7:30-8:30am @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
This swim is part of our Simulation Day event, however you are welcome to come for just the swim if you choose.

Tuesday June 7th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
Our track workouts are shifting to Tuesdays as of June 7th.

Simulation Day – Sunday!

Our first Simulation Day of 2016 is nearly upon us – we have been enjoying some great weather recently, and our fingers are crossed that the weather will hold.

Transition Area Opens:
Registration/Sign-in (drop off your bike):
Pool Swim:
Support for the Run/Bike/Run/Bike/…:
Transition Area Closes:
12:15pm (or earlier if all participants are finished)

The cost for the Simulation Day is $5 for members and $8 for non-members. There is an additional $10 fee for members (and $12 for non-members) to access the pool if you are not already signed up for our Pool Swims.

We accept payment for the Sim Day via the FMCT website shop, or you can send us an email to sign up and pay with cash at the event.

Club Notices

Clothing Orderstrava3

We have not yet reached our minimum order threshold to be able to submit to Champion System. If you are interested in adding to your workout wardrobe with some club-branded items, check out our online store and place your order before June 5th (our extended deadline).

Strava Awesomeness
Dudes and Dudettes – you are awesome! Over the last two weeks we logged 136 workouts in Strava, with over 3000 km’s in total distance.
And thos e are only the workouts logged in Strava, we know that there are many more “offline” workouts taking place each day. Congrats to everyone on their workouts.

Muskoka Weekend – What an adventure!unnamed

Story by Irina S.
Unlike the previous years, we decided to choose the May long weekend to book our yearly Muskoka Training trip and therefore have an extra day to enjoy the beauty of the region and each other’s company. And I don’t think we were wrong. Not only we had perfect weather and a lot less bugs than the years before, but we had enough time to train, relax and socialize. We chose two adjacent cottages, the Annex and the Dining Room, so that the families attending could share the space between the cottages and see their children play together. We also took advantage of the shared outdoor space to organize a potluck BBQ and celebrate two birthdays! Happy Birthday once more, Cary and Carey!!

We had 18 people attending, out of which 9 were athletes from our club, training for either the upcoming Muskoka 70.3, an Ironman or shorter races. We all arrived Friday afternoon and quickly settled into our cottages. On Saturday morning, everyone met at Deerhurst resort and completed the Muskoka 70.3 bike loop, well… more or less. A few of us were so into it that we missed the turn on South Portage and ended in Huntsville instead, but made it back to Deerhurst just the same. After finishing the loop, a few brave souls also went out for a quick brick run.

unnamed (1)Back at the cottage, we took the afternoon off to relax and even got in some serious napping time. The more hardcore ones had to go for a swim too, but we won’t name any names. Their frozen smiles said it all, check out our Instagram stream to see it for yourselves. Jokes aside, the lake was cold but totally appropriate for a swim and they all enjoyed the cold therapy for the tired legs. In the evening, we all headed out to Mary’s Lakeside Grill for dinner, a club tradition, and a challenge to the owner who sure had a lot to cook that night to feed so many hungry triathletes.

The next morning, it was long run day, with the exception of one athlete who loved so much the Muskoka loop, he chose to ride it again! The rest of the group ran distances from 6km to 29km, then rallied back to the cottage for the BBQ. SO MUCH FOOD! But we enjoyed every single bite and were happy to share another meal together, like a big happy FMCT family. Eager to burn some of the celebratory calories, a few of our athletes went back for another hour of biking, just to “spin the legs” (is there such a thing in Muskoka??), followed by yet another swim. Apparently the lake had already gotten warmer!unnamed (2)

The evening was spent playing games indoors and carb loading (again!). The laughs didn’t stop, I think the wine had something to do with it. But like good triathletes, we went to bed early enough to avoid a disastrous hangover, because there was even more training in store!! Monday morning, back on our bikes for a “coffee ride” to Baysville. We may not have been hangover, but man did we miss a few turns on our way there, not for the worst since we came across a beautiful bridge and a mean hill with a max incline of 28.6%. Some of us walked it up, others rode up twice because Garmins were not started. If it’s not on Strava it doesn’t count, right?

Eventually we made it to Baysville where we had coffee and treats, and debated who made better mosquito food out of our group. The bugs were so fierce there, we kept our break short and headed back on the road, where the tiredness pushed us to employ a few “Tour de France” tricks to get over the hills. Isn’t this the best proof of camaraderie that you’ve seen? Pure awesomeness.

Back at the cottage we ate more cake and leftovers (in this order) and celebrated with a last hurrah in the lake, an out and back to the Rocky Island to say goodbye. And this concluded our training weekend, wonderful from every perspective.

unnamed (3)

We would like to thank every one of our members and their families who made this time a great bonding experience, where we shared the joy and challenge of triathlon training. We hope that everyone had a great time and will see you again next year!

May 24th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Tuesday May 24th
Bike Skills Session: 7:45-8:30pm @ Mayfield School
Coach will lead a session filled with tips and tricks for how to be more comfortable on your bike.

Pool Swim: 9-10pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
Workouts, on-deck coaching, and 6 lanes dedicated just to us – what more could you ask for!? Please plan to arrive early so 13266071_10156958151035425_1348166699246365014_nyou are ready to jump into the pool at 9pm.

Wednesday May 25th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
Don’t forget your layers and hydration – both are super important in training to make sure you don’t pull a muscle.

Saturday May 28th
Group Ride: 8am – departing from Gellert Community Ctr, Georgetown
Route: 80km (https://www.strava.com/routes/5120632)
Pace: 26-28kph
Ride Leader: Zindine Souki

Tuesday May 31st
Pool Swim: 9-10pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
Workouts, on-deck coaching, and 6 lanes dedicated just to us – what more could you ask for!? Please plan to arrive early so you are ready to jump into the pool at 9pm.

Sim Day – June 5th

Our early season Simulation Day event is coming up quickly. If you have not already – don’t forget to sign up to let us know you are coming. (This helps us to plan our food and beverages.) You can pay online via the FMCT website, or pay in cash at the event and send us an email to reserve your spot.

May 17th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Tuesday May 17th
Pool Swim: 9-10pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
Workouts and on-deck coaching are provided. Please plan to arrive early so you are ready to start swimming at 9.

Wednesday May 18th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
Don’t forget your layers and hydration – trying to train cold muscles can lead to injury. Warm-up starts at 6:45 sharp.

No workouts planned for the Brampton area as our core group leaders will be up in Muskoka training.

Muskoka Training

The following is our training plan for the weekend – if you are going to be joining us for just a workout or two, please let us know so that we can exchange phone contact information.

Mid-day arrival
Rest and stretchingMuskoka-Ride

AM – Brick workout [Half IM Muskoka loop + short run]
PM – Swim (weather permitting)

AM – Long run [Half IM Muskoka route]
PM – Short ride & swim (weather permitting)

AM – Coffee ride
Early-afternoon departure

Bike Skills

Tuesday May 24th
Coach Matt P will be providing a learn to bike / information night on Tuesday May 24th from 7:45 – 8:30pm.
If you are interested in attending please send us an email (fmct.trainers@gmail.com) – this session will only be held if we have people attending.

FMCT on Strava

Week of May 9 – 15th
For all members who have joined the FMCT club in Strava – congratulations! Your efforts have combined to complete 71Strava001 workouts – for over 80 hours of activity. WOW! What a sporty group.

This season we will be randomly picking some workouts to spotlight for the club – so don’t forget to keep your data up to date. Your workout could be next!

May 10th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Tuesday May 10th
Pool Swim: 9-10pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
Workouts and on-deck coaching are provided. Don’t forget your pool ‘toys’ and arrive early to get workout instructions before jumping into the pool at 9.

Wednesday May 11th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
(Use the entry on the side near the portables)
Warm-up starts at 6:45 sharp. This week is still going to be quite cool – so PLEASE remember to bring your layers and your hydration.

Thursday May 12th
Strength Class: 8-9pm @ TheTrainStation (490 Bramalea Rd, 4B)
This is the LAST CLASS! There might be room to drop-in to experience the fun before it is gone for the season. Contact Jade at info@ironchicfitness.ca to reserve your spot.

Saturday May 14th
Group Ride: 9am – Departing from Mayfield Rec Ctr
54km route – www.strava.com/routes/4881373
Ride leader: Irina S / Pace: Easy

Simulation Day

June 5th – 7am-12pm(ish)
Our first Simulation Day of the 2016 season is booked for Sunday June 5th. A little later in the season than previous years – but hopefully it will give the weather enough time to warm up!

All parts of the event will take place in/around the Mayfield Rec Ctr. There will be a transition rack, water, gatorade and bananas during the ‘support’ hours; and snacks from 10:30am until we close the transition area.

Transition Area Opens:
Registration/Sign-in (drop off your bike):
Pool Swim:
Support for the Run/Bike/Run/Bike/…:
Transition Area Closes:
12:15pm (or earlier if all participants are finished)

The cost for the Simulation Day is $5 for members and $8 for non-members. There is an additional $10 fee for members (and $12 for non-members) to access the pool if you are not already signed up for our Pool Swims.

We accept payment for the Sim Day via the FMCT website shop, or you can send us an email to sign up and pay with cash at the event.

Club Gearunnamed

Did you know that we have fun FMCT-branded gear available for you to order? Each year we place at least one order to enable our members to purchase their favourite stylish kit items.

Check out the shop and complete your purchase online. This year’s order deadline is 6pm May 23rd.

Tracking your Workouts

FMCT is on Strava! (Check us out here.)

You can join the club and view workouts of other members in the club. Strava lets you congratulate individuals for if you wanted you could even have a little friendly competition for KOM titles). This summer, instead of having you manually log your training, we will be capturing workout data from Strava to share some workout stories with the club.

Check it out and join in the fun.