March 14 Weekly Update
“Not all Athletes Wear Shoes”
We were just talking ground hog predictions not too long ago. I’m so confused along with the rest of you as to what season we are actually in. Let’s cross our fingers that this will be the last of the Winter Storms mother nature has planned for us.
It’s Spring break and time to check out what’s going on in and around us. Perhaps you’ll take in the Toronto Home Show. Get some ideas of summer projects to do around the house. We can’t just train all the time. I’m sure the “honey to do lists” are getting bigger by the minute.
Perhaps you’re off to a sun destination with the family. Getting in that one last holiday. Toes in the sand, warm sun on your face and no electronics!
Wherever your travels take you this week…enjoy the family time and be safe!
Upcoming Workouts
Tuesday March 14th
Pool Swim with Matt: 9:15-10:15pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
Please go to our shop if you’d like to join a great group of swimmers.
**Coach Matt will not be at swim. Irina will be on deck to distribute the workouts.
Wednesday March 15th
Spin with Jade: 7-8:30pm @ 91 Healey Road (Unit 9)
Thursday March 16th
Strength with Jade: 8-9pm @ 490 Bramalea Rd (Suite 4B)
Saturday March 18th
Spin with Rob: 8:30-10:30am @ 247 McMurchy Ave S
Class is held by Rob McCue, please contact him directly for questions at
Hot in the Kitchen
Brought to you by “Sandra Crowe” Holistic Nutritionist
Did you know that being lighter will help you be faster and make your triathlon easier.
Are you hoping as you increase your training you will have the added benefit of weight loss. Training over the winter months with those few extra pounds offers you an edge as you gear up for racing, but now it’s time to shed them.
Not sure what you should eat to make that happen?
Need support to help you reach those goals?
Fit Kitchen Nutrition is running a 12 Week program, beginning April 3, and is offering $50 off to members of FMCT.
This program includes a one hour private consultation with a registered nutritionist to design your personalized plan. Then 11 weeks of live webinars, covering topics such as “Good carbs-bad carbs” “Healthy Eating on the go” “Supplements 101” and “Exercise and Nutrition”.
All this for only $150, tax included!
The special offer for FMTC is only valid until March 24, so don’t delay!
Visit HERE Or call Sandra at 416-880-1589 to book with the FMCT discount.
Keep your chin up folks. Only 1 more week away till we officially hit Spring but until then, it might just be a full week of indoor training for all of us.
Muscle Up
Breakdancer. Yes, you read that correctly. This abdominal exercise might just make you feel like you are back on the dance floor. I’d say pump up the jam, okay music and give this one a try. (Intermediate)
Bend down so that your hands are on the ground and your feet hip-distance a part. Your shoulders should be stacked over your wrists, your knees bent to 90 degrees, your back flat, and abs engaged. This will be your starting position.
Lift one hand off the ground and bring your opposite foot off the floor. Rotate your hips as you bring your leg through kicking it out to the opposite side.
Rotate your hips back and kick your opposite foot through while switching hand placement on the ground.
Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.
Full Video Click HERE
So many of us are short on time. With family, work and other commitments, we sometimes don’t have more than 30 minutes to get in a workout. Check out and read up on 4 great ways to get in that workout!
Now we have no EXCUSES!
4 – 30 Minute Workouts When You’re In a Time Crunch
1. Go for a run
2. 30 Minutes of Sweet Spot Work
3. Plyos and Sprints
4. 1 x 1 Intervals
Click HERE to read up on all four workouts.
Bike Maintenance
How to get your bike really clean. Check out this article from Canadian Cycle Magazine. These few tips could save you lots of money in future repairs.
Remember to show your bike some LOVE!
Tools and techniques that will turn your grubby machine pristine.
Click HERE
…When you can’t decide between a Rest Day or Yoga.
Have a great Week Everyone!
March 7th Newsletter
Message from your Executive
Can you believe we are in March already! Spring is around the corner, so is the renewal of your FMCT membership. The team is hard at work organizing the coming season. We are finalizing the details for the open water swim season as well as the simulation days we would like to offer. Stay tuned. As always we love to hear from our members. Now is the time to speak up if you’d like us to do something differently.
Happy training!
Tuesday March 7th
Pool Swim with Matt: 9:15-10:15pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
Please go to our shop if you’d like to join a great group of swimmers.
Wednesday March 8th
Spin With Jade: 7-8:30pm @ 91 Healy Road (Unit 9)
Check the details of this class on our web page.
Thursday March 9th
Strength With Jade: 8-9pm @ 490 Bramalea Rd (Suite 4B)
Check the details of this class on our web page. Still room and time to join.
Saturday March 11th
Spin with Rob: 8:30-10:30am @ 247 McMurchy Ave S
Class is held by Rob McCue, please contact him directly for questions at
Muskoka Training Weekend
There is not enough interest this year. The weekend is canceled.
Come on winter, it’s time for you to leave us alone so we can start having more fun outdoor. Who’s looking forward to our first group ride?
Member Bio
It can be a challenge to make it out to all club events and training. So what better way to meet and learn about our members than through our newsletters.
This week we’d like to introduce you to Paula Guy.
Paula (age 46) was convinced to joined FMCT by her husband Marc in the spring of 2014. Prior to joining FMCT Paula enjoyed running, and considered swimming and cycling as more of a recreation than a sport. In fact, swimming in any body of water other than a pool terrified her. Although the swim is still Paula’s least favorite segment of the triathlon, she was able to overcome her fear through the training and support of FMCT.
Since joining FMCT Paula has completed a number of triathlons, duathlons and running events, her favorite being the Gravenhurst Sprint Triathlon.
Outside of FMCT Paula is a mother of 3 children and a step mother of 3 children; aged between 13 and 21. She is busy as a senior member of a manufacturing company and in her down time enjoys traveling and red wine.
Coach’s Corner
Q: I suffered through a series of injuries and personal commitments that had me pretty much out of training for the past year and a bit. In the past if I got injured it was never more than a 6 week layoff and while I found I lost my strength and stamina very quickly, it would also come back very quickly. I’m finally healthy and ready to go again, however, it has been so long I am starting over as if I have never run before. Looking back on what I know I was capable of before (Half Marathons, Marathons, Triathlons) I find it very discouraging when I can barely run 500m today. I find this discouragement to be greater than any motivational tricks I have tried, so I would really like to hear if you have any tips for pushing past this mental block so I can get back in the game. I want to, and I know it will feel great when I finally achieve my goals, however at this point the road just seems impossibly long.
A:Thank you for your question. It is very relatable on so many levels.
I believe that there are many, and some within our club whom have found themselves in a situation very similar to yours.
Take a deep breath and know that you definitely will be back to your old self again. Running those Half and Full Marathons plus a whole lot more. Patience will be key. Being off for 6 weeks is completely different than 12+ months. The body will take a little more time to bounce back. The last thing you want to do is get into the crazy “2’s” – too much, too fast, too soon. So have a realistic training plan.
During large gaps from physical activity it becomes super important to start with smaller goals. 1-3 months. Celebrate each of them when completed no matter how small. Remember, you worked hard to achieve them! Each set of goals will require new mantra’s. I think you are familiar with this as I read above. Something that is going to strike that inner fire within you to keep pushing no matter how hard, daunting or however dark a place you are in when training gets tough.
Don’t underestimate a support system. Surrounding yourself and train with others who lift you up, that will hold you accountable, push you past your limits, motivate you and celebrate all achievements big and small.
In summary, be patient with your body, have a realistic training plan, set realistic small attainable goals, find more than one mantra for each set of goals, surround yourself with a great support system and don’t train alone. Keep your training fun and add in a few short races to further see your improvements.
Remember to believe in yourself because we believe in you.
February 28th Weekly Update
“Pain is temporary, Quitting is forever.”
What? Wait a minute! At the stroke of midnight it’s going to be MARCH! Rewind…where did January and February go?!
That’s how fast time flies by. Are you ready to race? March has some big races. Are you registered for the Chilly Half? Maybe Around The Bay Road Race? If you aren’t entered we encourage you to go out and cheer on your friends and family. Then tell us all about it!
Upcoming Workouts
Tuesday February 21st
Pool Swim with Matt: 9:15-10:15pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
Please go to our shop if you’d like to join a great group of swimmers.
Wednesday February 22nd
Spin With Jade: 7-8:30pm @ 91 Healy Road (Unit 9)
Check the details of this class on our web page.
Thursday February 23rd
Strength With Jade: 8-9pm @ 490 Bramalea Rd (Suite 4B)
Check the details of this class on our web page. Still room and time to join.
Saturday February 25th
Spin with Rob: 8:30-10:30am @ 247 McMurchy Ave S
Class is held by Rob McCue, please contact him directly for questions at
Hot in the Kitchen
Brought to you by “Sandra Crowe” Holistic Nutritionist
Uh oh – you’ve caught a cold! You have a big training week ahead of you and need to get rid of it fast! While there is no magic elixir, there are things you can do to lessen the symptoms and shorten the duration. I’ve also added recipes for bone broth and green smoothies, and what supplements can get you back in your running shoes fast!
Click HERE for full article
Looks like we took a little extra recovery this week. Well deserved with all the extra workouts from last week because of the amazing weather.
Challenge a friend this week. Ring someone up and hold each other accountable. Lets see how many more kilometers we can accumulate!
Velodrome – Members In ACTION!
What a great way to shake up and change your indoor winter training.
Family Day weekend we had a few members take in some laps at the Velodrome. Louis(Malisani) and Paul (Blaik) riding in style and from the grins on their faces enjoying every minute of it. I think you know where these 2 guys will be if missing from their usual indoor training!
We know Paul will be back to the Velodrome May 13th and 20th as he completes his two night certification process. Good Luck Paul!
Muscle Up
Let’s keep adding to your equipment free exercise library. (Beginner)
Push Up to Side Plank – Chest
Get into pushup position on the toes with your hands just outside of shoulder width.
Perform a pushup by allowing the elbows to flex. As you descend, keep your body straight.
Do one pushup and as you come up, shift your weight on the left side of the body, twist to the side while bringing the right arm up towards the ceiling in a side plank.
Lower the arm back to the floor for another pushup and then twist to the other side.
Full Video HERE
Muskoka Training Weekend
Held at Clyffe House in Port Stanley. If you have never been to this Club Getaway you are missing out on a really fun weekend. This is not just for adults. The whole family is invited to join in the fun. What to expect:
- Bike Rides (Various distances)
- Running (Various distances)
- Open Water Swimming (Be Brave)
- Movie Night
- BBQ’s
- Ice Cream Outings
- Fire Pit with Sing-a-longs!
Check-in May 19 after 1PM
Check-out May 22 before 7PM
Kids $75
Adult $180
At the moment we have 7 adults and 4 kids. We need at least 5 more adults to make this weekend happen.
Coach’s Corner
Q: I suffered through a series of injuries and personal commitments that had me pretty much out of training for the past year and a bit. In the past if I got injured it was never more than a 6 week layoff and while I found I lost my strength and stamina very quickly, it would also come back very quickly. I’m finally healthy and ready to go again, however, it has been so long I am starting over as if I have never run before. Looking back on what I know I was capable of before (Half Marathons, Marathons, Triathlons) I find it very discouraging when I can barely run 500m today. I find this discouragement to be greater than any motivational tricks I have tried, so I would really like to hear if you have any tips for pushing past this mental block so I can get back in the game. I want to, and I know it will feel great when I finally achieve my goals, however at this point the road just seems impossibly long.
Stay tuned for the answer to this member’s question, coming March 7th in the FMCT Monthly Newsletter.
Calling All Volunteers
Hello everyone,
We are less than two months away from the 13th Annual Run4Hope which will take place on Sunday April 23rd, 2017, 9:00am at Professor’s Lake Recreation Centre in the City of Brampton.
On behalf of this year`s Race Committee we would like to thank you for having assisted us in the past and we are hoping that you will consider once again assisting us this year.
The success of the race really depends upon the support of approximately 50 volunteers who volunteer their time on race day to assist with race registration, handing out water to runners at one of the two water stations, and assisting at one of the many traffic points along the race course.
The majority of the volunteer assignments on race day are from 8:00am to 11:00 am, although if you are assisting with registration you may have to arrive a little earlier.
High School students can use their volunteer duties at the Run4Hope towards the 40 hours of community involvement they are required to complete. (Please bring your forms with you on race day)
The proceeds raised by the Run4Hope go directly towards assisting those in our community. With our charity partner Sky’s the Limit, we have been able to supply a number of laptops to youth involved with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Peel. In addition to Sky’s the Limit, Run4Hope has made donations to assist in School Breakfast Programs and the Knights Table to provide meals and food to the children and adults of Brampton who deal with the daily issues of hunger, poverty and homelessness.
I cannot stress enough that the success of an event like this is dependent upon your support. If you are able to assist on April 23rd, please send an email to
Thank you.
2017 Run4Hope Race Committee
February 21st 2017 Weekly Update
“Don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.”
Whoohoo…I think the 2 out of 3 groundhogs were correct. Two said we’d get an early spring. With this weekends temperatures I think I have to agree with the furry little guys!
I’m sure some of you die hards were out hitting the pavement and probably in shorts. The super die hards, likely took that back trainer wheel off your bike and road OUTSIDE!
Let’s take a look at what’s going on this week.
Coach’s Corner
Ask the coach anything you like. We’ll do our best to provide you with the best knowledge to your question. Don’t be shy, we all ask ourselves; “What/How can I do better?” Perhaps you’ve hit a plateau and need to know how to break it. Need some assistance on how to correct a swim stroke. Ask away! Time to pick the Coach’s brain. Your question will be published along with the Coach’s answer. (Yes, your name can remain anonymous.)
Send all ‘s to:
Subject Line: Coach’s Corner
Upcoming Workouts
Tuesday February 21st
Pool Swim with Matt: 9:15-10:15pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
Please go to our shop if you’d like to join a great group of swimmers.
Wednesday February 22nd
Spin With Jade: 7-8:30pm @ 91 Healy Road (Unit 9)
Check the details of this class on our web page.
Thursday February 23rd
Strength With Jade: 8-9pm @ 490 Bramalea Rd (Suite 4B)
Check the details of this class on our web page. Still room and time to join.
Saturday February 25th
Spin with Rob: 8:30-10:30am @ 247 McMurchy Ave S
Class is held by Rob McCue, please contact him directly for questions at
Toronto International Bike Show
Thinking of buying a new bike? Perhaps you just need a few new accessories.
Coming this March 3-5th, take in 175+ Exhibitors and see what’s new in the world of cycling at the Toronto International Bike Show.
You may just win a 2017 Bianchi Torino
Make it a family outing and let the kids enjoy the “Kids Action Zone” or the “Trillium Trailblazers Youth Area”.
Okay, so you adults want to be a kid too, well you can. Check out “Roller Racing” as D’ornellas Bike Shop presents old school roller racing!
Click HERE for more details and pricing
Looks like we all found a little extra mojo and hit some extra long workouts. Love it when it’s spring temperatures in February.
Sport Medicine
The newest rehabilitation tool in the therapist’s tool belt….
The rage is functional, practical, effective and for some aesthetically pleasing with the many colors that it has to offer!!
We have all seen it on professional athletes; especially OLYMPIANS, and we have all wondered what that was!
Now it is popular amongst recreational athletes to help achieve their best results in the sport or activity of their choosing.
“Power Taping utilizes Rocktape as its tape of choice. Rocktape is an American-developed, Korean-made product consisting of flexible cotton and nylon fibers and acrylic adhesive that provides the support, stimulation, and resiliency necessary for rehabilitation, injury prevention, postural support and performance enhancement”.
Continue Reading click HERE
Available Services click HERE