Message from your Executive
Somehow this summer has just flown by – and it is August already! We have had great turnout at our weekly open water swims, and we are super-pumped to see so many new faces enjoying the experience. (We are also very proud to see the faces of those who might not be enjoying the experience right now, yet are determined to keep at it until it is an enjoyable experience.)
We were a busy group in July with a lot of members (current and ‘old’) who completed a race (or two!). Congratulations to everyone who has been challenging themselves this summer.
Wednesday August 3rd
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
You spin me right round baby right round … in circles on the track! Come on out and join the ‘track crew’ on Wednesday to get your legs churning and your heart rate up.
Come ready to challenge yourself, and don’t forget your hydration and layers.
Thursday August 4th
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-8pm in Professor’s Lake
Splish-splash! Just two weeks left for 90 minute Thursday swims. How many loops will you fit in? If you are paying by drop-in rate, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete your payment.
Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
The run loop is approximately 3km. Join us for a loop or two (or three?)
Saturday August 6th
Group Ride: 8am departure from Mayfield Rec Ctr
Pace – Nobody left behind
Lets get those legs-a-spinnin’! This will be a fun 60km ride to Caledon East. Map and details will be posted to the Facebook Members group.
Just like this past weekend, send us an email to let us know if you are going to be there. (It lets our ride leaders know to look out for you in case you are running a few minutes late.)
Sunday August 7th
Non-Club Open-Water Swim: 2-4pm in the C3 Quarry
One of our local tri club counterparts holds lake swims up in Caledon in an old Quarry (you can view the location here). If you are looking for an opportunity to practice some more open water swimming, and really like hanging out with FMCT people, there will be a few of us there cruising through the water.
This is NOT an official FMCT workout – you will need to arrange the payment of the swim fee ($10) with the C3 club. You can obtain more information via their facebook page.
Strava Update
Faster, stronger, further
Despite some Strava glitches, we still logged over 2000 km’s of training and racing last week. That is some solid work guys and gals. Well done!
Race Results
Special Congratulations
We have welcomed a number of new members to our club this year – and a few of them have challenged themselves with races already this year. We wanted to call out three of them specifically who have shown some amazing hard work and perseverance.
Congratulations to Emmanuel A, Raymond G, and Cesar C. You have each reminded us why we got into the sport in the first place, and have been a joy to welcome to the FMCT club.
FMCT Uniform Order
Almost here!
For those who placed an order with us for some new FMCT swag – the order has been put in the mail, and should be arriving in Brampton soon.
We will reach out to you individually once your item is available. We recommend arranging to pick it up at one of the FMCT workouts – but other options can be available if needed.
Upcoming Events
Wednesdays – Track Speedwork
Thursdays – Lake Swim + Run
Some Saturdays – Group Ride
Some Sundays – Lake Swim + Run
Some Weekends – Group Ride
Race Results
Belwood – Try-a-tri Swim/Bike
Cesar Centeno: 42:15 (3rd Overall)
Belwood – Sprint Tri
Peter Volkes: 1:40:00 (3rd AG)
Boleslaw Szramek: 2:18:14
Krisen Kuppusamy: 2:31:14
TTF – Sprint Tri
Jeff Hennings: 1:14:15
Corwin Ang: 1:26:00
Muskoka 70.3
Zindine Souiki: 5:30:27
Mellen Gorman: 5:36:46
Louis Malisani: 5:49:46
James Li: 6:23:45
Tammy Purdy: 5:27:57
Steve Caws: 6:47:56
Narinder Kaura: 7:02:14
Muskoka 70.3 – Relay/Bike-Leg
Irina Souiki: 3:50:44
Gravenhurst – Olympic Tri
Paul Blaik: 2:30:13
Gravenhurst – Sprint Tri
Ryan Baldwin: 1:17:54 (3rd AG)
Barb Kishimoto: 1:35:11 (1st AG)
Niagara – Try-a-tri
Emmanuel Aquino – 0:50:50
Raymond Gana – 1:04:15
Cesar Centeno – 1:04:45
Kingston – Long Course Tri
Matthew Poole: 3:06:09 (1st AG)
Zindine Souiki: 3:19:44 (2nd AG)
Bruce Harding: 5:00:56
Kingston – Sprint Tri
Irina Souiki: 2:07:24
Did you finish a race and don’t see your name here? We probably did not know you were racing. Please let us know about all of your upcoming race and we can cheer you on and then celebrate your success by sharing your results